Third step. Project implementation plan creation and veterinary requirement fulfillment part one. Document submission to NMA.

A new entry into the western Lithuanian regional FLAG informational publication series has been uploaded, presenting the first part of Project implementation plan creation and veterinary requirement fulfillment. As well as a guide to submitting documents to NMA. The video is available with english…

Second step. Western lithuanian fishery local action group strategy 2023-2027 overview. „Leader” principles.

A new entry into the western Lithuanian regional FLAG informational publication series has been uploaded, introducing an overview to the western Lithuanian fishery action group strategy for 2023-2027 and „Leader” principles. The video is provided with english subtitles:  

Pirmas žingsnis. Vakarų Lietuvos ŽRVVG strategija iki 2027 m

Asociacija įgyvendina projektą Nr. 31SI-23-06-K-001-PR001,finansuojamą Europos Sąjungos, kur pagal parengtą Klaipėdos, Šilalės ir Tauragės rajonams strategiją bus galima gauti paramą žuvininkystės sektoriaus atstovai. Su strategija galite susipažinti čia.